Today in Anchorage it was so cloudy, but just a weird low cloud...very bizarre! Then we headed to Whittier/Girdwood. The glaciers on the drive to Whittier where amazing views...just had to get most pictures! As we arrived in Girdwood to the Double Muskey for dinner Bryan caught sight of three bear cubs climbing up a tree.....we were sooo excited. The pictures were hard to take as they were deep in some trees and we were a bit nervous where mom was. Tonight we saw darkness at around 11pm....very weird as last Saturday at 11pm it was light...winter is coming!!! The last pictures are of the Alyeska Resort (engagement sight)...weird that just three weeks ago at the same time it was BRIGHT OUT!! What an amazing country!! Kathy has loved it...Dan has been fishing for salmon and has caught 50lbs to send home! Hope Denver likes Salmon!!

I've loved your blog! I know you've had a fabulous time and will be sad to go....can't wait to see you in Denver this fall! :)