Monday, August 9, 2010
Good-Bye Alaska....
Well my time here is over....can't believe 5 weeks went so fast! I have seen it all and done it all around Anchorage! The food was amazing beyond what I thought! It is very sad to leave Bryan here as it is getting darker and colder, so we all hope he gets home soon!!! What an amazing fiance' I have! And I have truly loved all the visits from the Conways! Thanks to all my "followers" HA!!! Now back to school, grad school, seeing my new baby niece and the excitement of the wedding ahead!!! Wow summer 2010 is pretty much over.... :(
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Clouds, Bears and Darkness OH MY!
Today in Anchorage it was so cloudy, but just a weird low cloud...very bizarre! Then we headed to Whittier/Girdwood. The glaciers on the drive to Whittier where amazing views...just had to get most pictures! As we arrived in Girdwood to the Double Muskey for dinner Bryan caught sight of three bear cubs climbing up a tree.....we were sooo excited. The pictures were hard to take as they were deep in some trees and we were a bit nervous where mom was. Tonight we saw darkness at around 11pm....very weird as last Saturday at 11pm it was light...winter is coming!!! The last pictures are of the Alyeska Resort (engagement sight)...weird that just three weeks ago at the same time it was BRIGHT OUT!! What an amazing country!! Kathy has loved it...Dan has been fishing for salmon and has caught 50lbs to send home! Hope Denver likes Salmon!!

Friday, August 6, 2010
Some more yummy food
Thursday, August 5, 2010
More Conways...
Kathy and Dan made it to Alaska. The weather has been rainy but still having fun! I haven't taken any pictures but will today and this weekend!! We took a drive to Seward to go on a glacier/animal tour....and well....rained out!!! SO back we drove to Anchorage!! Can't believe my trip will end next Tuesday!!!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Bryan's quote of the weekend.....
"If I was a betting man, I would bet that I will be eating steak by our wedding!"- Bryan Conway July 31, 2010........
Our Weekend In Talkeetna and Denali Alaska!
Bryan and I left Friday afternoon and headed north. Anchorage was cold and rainy but as we went north it got warmer and sunnier!!! After about two hours we stopped in Talkeetna Alaska, to stay at the Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge. It is a touristy resort but about the only place to stay in this 1000 populated town. You can only see Mount McKinley from about 10 places around Alaska and this was one! While there the clouds broke and we were soo lucky.....we could see the summit!!! After dinner "in town" we came back for dessert and headed to sleep! Saturday we got up and headed to Denali park. The drive was unlike anything I had ever seen! The mountains were everywhere along with amazing rivers etc! We got to McKinley Chalet and felt like we were at a geriatric we were the youngest by 30 years!! Our cabin was really cool and secluded by a river. Immediately we headed to the Denali National Park! We were only allowed to drive in to the 19 mile marker, as only Denali Park buses can go to the 96 mile marker (uh a 12 hour bus (school bus) ride...uh no). We hiked around and enjoyed the beautiful weather and surreal views. God's country for sure!! After having happy hour on the river...we created :), we headed to The King Salmon for dinner! After fresh salmon we walked around and saw a sunset...well technically a semi sunset, as it then rises again around midnight! Sunday we had another amazing hike and went back to Talkeetna for a wonderful halibut lunch at the West Rib (as seen on the travel channel-man vs food). We both LOVED Talkeetna and highly recommend it!! What a special weekend full of memories I will never forget!! I am blessed to be here and experience this! One more week in Alaska than back to reality...very hard to think about BUT I have a new baby niece coming this week!!!! We are ready for Kathy and Dan....more adventures are planned....Seward for an animal/glacier cruise and MORE yummy seafood!
Our drive into Talkeetna Lodge
View from the lodge
Back of the lodge
Ha! Wanted to see this but a little far up :), also a Peters Glacier and a Petersville!
Awesome views....
Fun times!
View outside on the deck
Many of these planes were taking off right by us heading to see McKinley
MOUNT MCKINLEY!! First time all sumer for the clouds to move out of the way!
Booming downtown of Talkeetna
If you squint you can see McKinley.....
Moose Mousse....with some extra chocolate drops :)
Dessert back at the lodge (note this was 10pm, notice the sun!)
Our walk.......saw bear tracks, got a little nervous after seeing the sign below

Bryan was a little nervous!
Our next lodge (think we were the youngest by 30 years!)
Lunch in Denali Park
Just a few of the 100 scenery pictures....
SERIOUSLY....did I ever in my life envision seeing this sign?!?!?!
Bryan the "truck driver"
The drive in....
Just another drive around Denali! Traffic was stopped for about 10 minutes
This is about 1/100th of the 6 million acres!
Gripping Bryan's hand as he had messed up several takes :)
This was the last take after Bryan messed up several! I won!
Not a post card I promise!
Some self portraits along the path.....Bryan was freaking about bears!
YES this is real.....words and pictures can't describe!
Some hiking views...

Just hanging out outside our cabin......
That's our cabin......
Like the nature made cooler?
Our Happy Hour we created.....most peaceful "bar"....
The King Salmon....this was around 10pm!

Is this the sun setting?!? WAIT WHAT?
A SUNSET?!?! It was soooo awesome!!
Where we hiked to....

Our truck is at the very bottom left :)
The one wild life we saw on our hikes....
Good-Bye Denali....
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