Friday, July 30, 2010
Off to Talkeetna and Denali!
Bryan and I are off to Talkeetna tonight (Friday) then onto Denali national park Saturday/Saturday night! It is our last weekend just us for the summer and we are excited that the weather is CLEAR and WARMER!!! I will report back Sunday night with pictures of our adventure! We are excited that Kathy and Dan (Bryan's parents) arrive Monday to experience the Alaskan Adventures as well! XOXO
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Good Bye to Aunt Mary and Uncle Ken!
We had a fantastic 6 days with Aunt Mary and Uncle Ken! I think we ate everywhere possible and saw all the animals we wanted! We will miss you guys! BUT before they headed out we went back to Kincaid Park and BOY did we see moose!!
I was a little close and nervous! Mary and Ken were scared for me :)
Mary took this awesome shot!!
I messed with the coloring but we were so close!!!
HA! Uncle Ken took this to prove my gutsyness :)
He is ready for us to leave him alone!
Here I come....

Monday, July 26, 2010
Just when I thought it couldn't get better....
Rain and cool temperatures didn't keep us from having a spectacular Sunday in Anchorage! We started our day at the weekend market.....found some goodies (see Bryan's belt!) along with some angry t-shirts aimed at Texas......then headed to the Bear's Tooth for some brunch! We filled our bellies (again) and headed to Girdwood to see what we could find!! Entering a park we began to see amazing animals.....porcupines, bears, moose, caribou, rudolph, MUSK OX!!, and so many more. It was amazing!! After all the excitement we headed to the Alyeska resort to relive our engagement with Uncle Ken and Aunt Mary, first with a stop at the Double Muskey for some jalepeno shrimp dip! We had a fantastic dinner at Seven Glaciers!!! SOOO YUMMY!!! Bryan's night was met with the complete Vegetarian Menu! Thank you Aunt Mary and Uncle Ken for the celebration! Even with poo-poo weather we had another great day in Alaska!
Every weekend they have a market downtown...some fun Alaska treats!
A whole booth dedicated to bashing!
Bryan's new belt! Getting one for Pops :)
Hello porcupine!
Sweet nephew and Aunt!
Not really sure....
Happy Hour and little appetizer......
Top of the tram...heading to Seven Glaciers for dinner!
My dessert.....Baked Alyeseka! Yummy!
Fun times with self timer...
Full of food and ready to head back to Anchorage!
It was awesome to relive the moments up to the engagement. So great to share with Ken and Mary! PS to my Texas friends (google WXYZ News Detroit....recognize Bryan's aunt??...she is the newscaster!) SO FUN! I loved hearing all her "star sightings"....
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Flat Top and Wasilla....
Off we went to Flat Top to hike....the wind was a whopper!! My hat blew off twice and we all almost got knocked over! Then we took off to Wasilla to find Sarah Palin's house! We actually found it and could see onto the property......after some good food at the Cadillac Ranch in Wasilla we headed back to Anchorage. The weather is cloudy and dreary today....good for napping! After a nap we set of for Kincaid Park and we saw MOOSE!! YEAH!!!! Ended the night with some yummy choc cake at Sullivan's..and wine! Oh we heard Kate plus 8 are in town and they are at all the stops before us...KATE stop that!!! Tomorrow.....Anchorage weekend Market and Girdwood.....A little reenactment of the engagement :).
Just a little windy....

Bear Bell in action...
Sarah Palin's house....
Look what I found...... PETERS CREEK
OF Course I didn't take my good camera on this hike.....thank Iphone!
Driving home we saw some more MOOSE! We were excited!
Food Food and More Food.....
Bryan's Aunt Mary and Uncle Ken arrived safely! We hit the town of Anchorage Friday while Bryan worked and had some success shopping around and eating of course at Snow City Cafe. After some rest and Bryan got off work we headed to Snow Goose then to Simon and Seaforts for the ever favorite Halibut Cheeks (honestly the best fish I have had). After dinner we waddled to the top of the Captain Cook (Crow's nest) for a banana split dessert. It was a gorgeous day with lots of sunshine and thanks to K and M for bringing that great weather. Today we are off to hike Flat Top and go to Girdwood for the Double Muskey experience......
This is about 10:30pm (notice...still light!). Uncle Ken, Hill, and Bryan
Aunt Mary, Uncle Ken and Hill (10:30pm!!)
Snow Goose with Uncle Ken, Bryan and Aunt Mary
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Fun Times Coming up...
Today Uncle Ken and Aunt Mary arrive (Bryan's A&U). I will be the cruise director tomorrow while Bryan works....then over the weekend we have some fun hiking, views, eats ahead for them! I promise to take some more pics and have some adventure for you all to read about. After Ken and Mary leave Bryan and I have 5 days left to hangout we are heading to Denali National Park and Talkeetna for a weekend of sight seeing!! Bryan's mom arrives Aug 2....and his Dad Aug lots of fun ahead! I leave Aug 9...where has the time gone???? So check back this weekend (if anyone is even reading this).....and I will have some moose, bears and who knows what else to share!!!!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Nothing Exciting...
The past two days have been dreary and I have basically sat behind a computer researching vendors for wedding plans....since I won't have this free time when back to work figured do it now! We have picked a date and a place... June 18, 2011..Red Sky Ranch Beaver Creek Colorado!!! It is suppose to be pretty again I am determined to get back out there! Bryan's Aunt and Uncle arrive Thursday night thru I will be the cruise director!!! Just letting you know that a bear hasn't eaten me yet.....
Monday, July 19, 2010
Short weekend with Long travels!
Bryan and I left on Thursday at 8pm to fly directly to Chicago. Thank goodness for his status as we were upgraded to first class. It was an overnight flight landing in Chicago at 5am! We were so beat but glad to get the rent car and head to Janesville, Wisconsin and fall into the hotel room at 7am and SLEEP! The whole Conway clan arrived around noon and we headed to Red Robin for lunch. The triplets have grown so much and were so much fun!!! It was Mike's bday and grandma's! What a celebration, but sadly 96 year old grandma had fallen earlier in week and was having hip surgery. We did all go to the hospital to see her. She met the triplets for the first time (and me), but the triplets were wonderful get well medicine!!! The Holiday Inn Express in Janesville didn't know what hit them having 6 rooms full of Conway relatives! I even was introduced to Woodman's aisle of cheeses, the BIG cow in Janesville and toured the town Dan and his family grew up in! It really was a lot of fun to meet new family members, see ones I already loved and of course to see those babies! They kept us all entertained for the weekend. Bryan and I headed back to Anchorage on Sunday via Denver with Dan.
Leslie and Kendall
Bryan and Kendall

Birthday boy Mike, Dan, Kaitlyn and Kendall
Kaitlyn and Uncle Bryan
Grandpa Dan, Aunt Kitty with Kaitlyn
Mommy Leslie and Kaitlyn
Cake time!!! Jack and Kaitlyn
Exciting Taco Bell dinner for Mike's bday in suite 535 :)
Just a few of the Conways!
THE COW with the triplets!
Hill and Bryan with the was a must!
Les, Mike, Dan and Kathy with the triplets
Katie, Mike, Clark and the triplets! They loved swimming!
This was an easier picture to take last summer....Kaitlyn, Jack and Kendall!
The whole Conway clan and Grandma! What a great set of family!!
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